Speaker: Nektarios Karanikas

About Nektarios Karanikas
Associate Professor in Health, Safety & Environment at QUT
Having had accumulated professional health & safety qualifications, credentials and experience in both industrial and academic environments, I strongly believe we focus much on implementing solutions to control risks before we invest enough time in understanding the risks we target and their environment. I have often observed organisations emphasising processes more than humans and trying to improve their systems without addressing the core of health & safety: managing harmful and promoting beneficial interactions and exposures of humans, including the social, technical, natural and wider environments. Therefore, my focus is on how organisations can drive sustainable and impactful changes by considering their dynamic context, meaning mapping the present, scanning the future, and consulting with the past. I advocate inclusive and holistic approaches and avoid binary and seemingly rival approaches to health & safety. Instead of “solutioneering†through the direct application of whatever tools and methods traditional or modern safety views advocate, I am first interested in what organisations need and how they can build capacity to improve health & safety within their reality. Identifying gaps at any level and between levels is usually the starting point, but I support and implement a more reconciling perspective, moving beyond Work-as-Done and Work-as-Imagined to Work-as-Possible and Work-as-Agreed.
Summary of Nektarios Karanikas
Estimated price
- €1000 – €1500*
- Safety Management
- Human Factors
*Indicative pricing for a one-hour lecture including preparation, a 20-minute telephone intake interview with the client, transportation costs, and administrative fees.